• Adobe Photoshop CS4 Macintosh
  • 2011:01:07 23:50:58
  • 0.008 s (1/125) (1/125)
  • 100
  • 2010:04:18 16:21:17
  • 5.6000006708602
  • 33.00 (33/1)

Shot Notes

Near Hyogo Station, Kobe.

5 Responses to “Yasumi no hi”
  1. 1

    Brilliant and thoughtful composition. I got lost in all the details.

  2. 2

    Yugen, thank you very much.
    I have visited your site, «fukuokayokocho», and it has been a pleasure to discover it. 🙂

  3. 3

    The colour tells much about current Japan.

  4. 4
    spy zed:

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  5. 5

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